Happy New Year, We are back in Class as of 1/2/24 Get yourself ready by picking up a Schedule for the Year at your school.
Foothills Taekwondo Seal
Cameron Park Taekwondo Seal
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Kinderkicks ClassThe Taekwondo Kinderkicks program was specially designed to meet the needs of today's active young children. Most Martial Arts programs today exclude children between four (4) and six (6) year olds because they don't know their left from their right, don't have balance or coordination, lack attention span or self-control, and discipline. This program was designed specifically to develop those skills.

The Kinderkicks program addresses all of these needs and prepares the children for the day when they are ready to attend regular Karate classes and even provide them with a foundation for all of their future learning.

Kinderkicks is a total learning activity. This means that it is designed to help children gain self-control and discipline needed for structured learning programs such as Karate, Kindergarten and even Elementary School. It also provides a training ground for tomorrows athletes. The program also helps the children develop their motor skills, balance and hand-eye coordination.

The kinderkicks program will give your child a head start on structured learning. It will also introduce them to the ancient art of Taekwondo. As in any art, there is a product. In the art of taekwondo and the Foothill Kinderkicks program, the product is a young child with common sense, self-confidence, a positive outlook on life and an open mind for learning.


Kinder Kickers will be taught all the basics of beginning Taekwondo, including the Tenets of Taekwondo, the exercises, and the punches, kicks and blocks necessary for the White Belt and even parts of the higher belts. They will be taught to combine moves into mini-forms similar to Taekwondo forms. They will also learn greater coordination and attention through developmental games as well as self-defense techniques.

When they are ready to graduate into Taekwondo, Kinderkickers will be able to get their first stripe for the Tenets right away, and will be senior students in their class. Because they know so much of the basics, Kinderkicker graduates can demonstrate moves and help other beginning White Belts, gaining valuable confidence, leadership and teamwork skills at an early stage.

Kinderkickers will learn greater courtesy, respect, and self-control. They will learn to kick kicking bags instead of the dog, the chair, or their brother, sister. They will learn to protect themselves and to look out for others. Parents usually find that their Kinderkickers do better in paying attention and following instructions both at home and at school.


In Karate every child can be a winner instead of a bench sitter because Karate allows children to reach for their own potential rather thandirectly compete against other kids. Besides the skills and discipline of Taekwondo, interaction with other youngsters, and personal benefits like confidence, respect, and focus, the kids will get many rewards in the program (lots more than regular Taekwondo). The program includes free testing for advancement every eight weeks, with colorful new patches on their uniforms for their progress, plus many more patches and stripes for individual achievements in attendance, learning, and demonstration of the Tenets. Kids love rewards and we've got plenty of them in Kinderkicks. Kinderkickers will also be welcome to participate in Taekwondo mini-tournaments with the regular Belts.


New beginners are starting every day. Each new student stars slowly and progresses their own rate of speed. Most children should begin by attending twice a week with each class lasting about 30 minutes. Don't be concerned if your child is a little nervous or thinks the techniques look too difficult. They will be in class with other beginners just like them. The instructors will do everything possible to make sure this nervousness disappears as quickly as possible. Thanks for your interest and we hope you decide to make Taekwondo a part of your child's leaning and recreational activities.

Any child interested can participate in KinderKicks
Check the schedule on this page for Class days & times or,
Contact us for more information